Jean-François Gajewski

Professeur des Universités, iaelyon - Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3
Présentation :
Jean-François GAJEWSKI is a Professor of Finance at iaelyon School of Management and the head of the finance research group (Magellan). He is the executive President of the French Finance Association since July 2023. His research focuses on the general theme of information and financial markets, and is part of the field of behavioral finance from the point of view of managers, investors and auditors. More recently, his research in Neurofinance allows him to better understand human behavior in a context of financial decisions. His research has been published in several academic journals such as Financial Management, Review of Finance, Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Banking and Finance, European Accounting Review, European Financial Management, Journal of Business Ethics, Applied Economics, Advances in international Accounting, International Journal of Accounting, etc.