Florence Séjourné

Présentation :
Florence Séjourné has been since inception the CEO of AUROBAC THERAPEUTICS, a biopharmaceutical company founded by Boehringer Ingelheim, bioMérieux and Evotec, to address high unmet medical needs associated to infections in acute hospital settings, amidst the growing antimicrobial resistance (AMR) epidemic. AUROBAC THERAPEUTICS’ R&D strategy encompasses patient- and pathogen-targeted programs designed to tackle both the causes and consequences of serious bacterial infections and AMR, including hospital-acquired and ventilator-associated bacterial pneumonia and sepsis. Central to this approach is the adoption of innovative diagnostic strategies aimed at facilitating patient stratification and optimizing treatment outcomes.
Florence has also been the founder in 2015 and is now Board member of the BEAM Alliance, association representing over 70 European biotech companies developing innovative solutions to fight against AMR, dedicated to proposing and supporting with a unique voice tangible policies and incentives in antimicrobial R&D in collaboration with the existing community of stakeholders and policy makers.
Florence is a seasoned executive leading biotech companies: prior to this role, Florence served as CEO of Da Volterra bringing the company from scientific concepts to late-clinical stage on alternative strategies to combat AMR and co-founded Genfit (GNFT), a biotech company focused on rare and life-threatening liver diseases. She holds engineering and pharmaceutical sciences degrees from Mines Paris - PSL and the University of Illinois at Chicago.