The EU in a Globalised World (Conf. OFF)

Intervenants :

Alexandre Bohas (Professor, ESSCA School of Management, Aix-en-Provence)
Thomas Hoerber (Professor, ESSCA School of Management, Angers)
Stefano Valdemarin ( Professor, ESSCA School of Management, Lyon)
Christoph Weber (Professor, ESSCA School of Management, Lyon)

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Conférences off des JECO en partenariat avec l’ESSCA - Inscription à l’adresse suivante :

This session will focus on a discussion of the key findings of the book "The EU in a Globalised World". This book encourages critical thinking about Europe's role in a rapidly evolving global environment, examining both the soft and hard aspects of EU power across the spectrum from low to high politics. It offers a broad perspective on European studies and international relations that goes beyond traditional power dynamics. It highlights the unique position of the EU as an actor in international relations and shows that the EU exercises power and influence in ways that classical IR theory would not predict, thus creating opportunities for peace-making and peace-building. An important economic aspect covered in the book is economic sanctions. These are discussed in the context of EU-Russia relations and the Ukraine conflict, as well as in the case of the Iranian nuclear case. More broadly, the book discusses the importance of the economy in the EU's international relations and the EU's economic power. Using the case of the ECB, it also discusses how a policy area such as monetary policy, which is usually considered to be low politics, can have elements of hard power in a world where the economy is where competition takes place.

Attention conférence en Anglais

Date :

Mardi 5 novembre
18:00 - 19:30


Salle : ESSCA

ESSCA School of Management - amphi 001 (rdc) 
4, Pont Pasteur

69007 Lyon


T2 arrêt Halle Tony Garnier


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